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(typescript, annotate, heterogenous array, union, multiple types)

const myConstant: (A|B)[] = [instanceOfA, instanceOfB]  

(typescript, variable, constant, annotate function type)

Type a void to void function as follows:

const x: () => void = () => {}  

Type a boolean to void function:

const x: (y: boolean) => void = (y) => {}  

Type a void to boolean function:

const x: () => boolean = () => { return true }  

(typescript, type guard)

const isSolid = (paint: Paint): paint is SolidPaint => paint.type === "SOLID"  
const back = figma.currentPage.backgrounds.find(isSolid)  

Actually, don’t do that. Do this:

(typescript, gotcha)

[] is truthy, e.g. !![] => true

(ctags support, typescript)

Do not install ctags. Install universal-ctags instead.

(first character of string)

const firstChar = “my string”.slice(0,1)

(debugger, repl, pdb)

Set breakpoint in source with debugger
Kick off script with node inspect ...
Most shortcuts are the same as pdb, except:
Use p <expr> instead of symbol name directly

(typescript, jest, mocks, bookmarks)

Examples to follow:

Helpful matchers:
- toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
- toBeCalledWith(myParams)

(typescript, remove property, equivalent of python del)

interface X {  
  y?: number  
var x: X = {y: 1}  
delete x.y   

(typescript, repl, noUnusedLocals, ts-node)

I add noUnusedLocals as a compilation flag in tsconfig.json.
The only downside is the ts-node repl becomes unusable.
Fix by invoking ts-node with

ts-node -O '{"noUnusedLocals": false}'  

Source: Stackoverflow comment

(typescript, generic parameter conforms to type)

Use the extends keyword. Read it as ‘satisfies’ in this case (there is really no extending happening):

function myFn<T extends TypeA|TypeB>(...)  

(typescript, discriminate types in heterogenous array)

Here is an attempt to generically filter a heterogenous array by a type
supplied by the caller. I may return to it:

// Creates a heterogenous array of Xs and Ys, and attempts to write  
// a generic selector to discriminate out Xs in a type-safe way.  
interface X {  
  type: 'x'  
interface Y {  
  type: 'y'  
type Sum = X | Y  
function select<T extends Sum, U extends 'x' | 'y'>(list: Array<Sum>, u:U): Array<T> {  
    // I would expect this to throw a compile time error for callers where  
    // T and U are mismatched.  
    const dummy: T['type'] = u  
    const isDesiredType = (h: Sum): h is T => h.type === u  
    return list.filter(isDesiredType)  
var myList: Array<X|Y> = [{type: 'x'}, {type: 'y'}]  
// This works, yay!  
const xs: Array<X> = select(myList, 'x')  
// This does not throw a compile time error:  
const ys: Array<Y> = select(myList, 'x')  
// Error ------ ^ ------------------ ^  

(typescript, discriminate, infer type, bookmark)


(typescript, similarity, type, interface, syntax)

interface X {  
  a: number  

is mostly the same as:

type X = {  
  a: number  

The only difference is type X can’t be reopened.

Source: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#differences-between-type-aliases-and-interfaces

(typescript, optional)

The a member is optional in this definition:

type X = {  
  a?: number  

This is different than:

type Y = {  
  a: number | null  


const x: X = {} # => ok  
const y: Y = {} # => Property 'a' is missing in type '{}' but required in type 'Y'  

(typescript, named arguments, hack, destructuring, default values for tests)

I figured out a way to write test factories in a way that I’m happy with.
Say you have some interface X that requires many members to satisfy the contract.
I want my unit tests to only concern themselves with a small set of members (ideally 1).
So I create factories that will vend objects that satisfy the contract,
where the caller can manipulate a single member at a time.
It looks a bit like using named arguments from other languages, which makes the unit test readable.
As an example, X is a dependency type; I define XPrime and factory in factories.ts:

interface X {  
  a: string  
  b: number  

interface XPrime {  
  a?: string  
  b?: number  

function factory({a, b}: XPrime = {}): X {  
  return {  
    a: a || "hello",  
    b: b || 123  

Then I can get instances of X in a unit test with factory(), or factory({a: "hi"}) or factory({b: 0}).
If I don’t supply a or b they default to values of hello and 123, respectively.

(typescript, default arguments)

function x(a: string = "hello") {  

(typescript, merge objects)

const x = {'a': 'foo', 'b': 'bar'}  
const y = {'b': 'BAZ'}  
{ ...x, ...y}   
# => {'a': 'foo', 'b': 'BAZ'}  

(typescript, filter nulls and undefined, filter falsy)

[1,2,null,undefined,3].filter((x) => x)  


import { compact } from 'lodash'  



(typescript, get first element matching condition)

[1,2,3].find((x) => x == 2)  

(typescript log levels)

Use console.debug, console.warn, console.error.

Also, log like this: console.log({myThing}).

Other tips here: https://dev.to/ackshaey/level-up-your-javascript-browser-logs-with-these-console-log-tips-55o2

(typescript asserts)

console.assert(condition, "expected <condition> to be met")  

(typescript, cheatsheet, syntax, bookmark)


(typescript, gotcha)

tsconfig.json is not read when tsc is passed a specific file. E.g. tsc
myfile.ts will not consider tsconfig.json.

(typescript, get class name at runtime)


(typescript, repl, requires internet)

If npx ts-node is taking a few seconds to start, and doesn’t start at all
without internet connection, it’s because I forgot npm install --save-dev ts-node


(typescript, return anonymous function)

function addN(n: number) {  
  return function(x: number) {  
    return x + n  
const y = addN(3)  
y(2) # returns 5  

(typescript, tuple destructuring)

function foo(): [string, string] {  
  return ['hi', 'ho']  
let [x, y] = foo()  

(typescript, gotcha, nested function, capture variable, careful, this prints 2)

function foo() {  
  let x = 1  
  function bar() {  
    return x  
  x += 1  
  return bar  

(typescript, javascript, regex):


source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp
Also see match: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/match

(typescript, javascript, checking for null or undefined)

if (foo == null) {  
  // `foo` is null or undefined  

source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/70040699/143447

(typescript, jest, matcher, throw, match on exception)

expect(() => parse(lex('(+ 1 world)').tokens())).toThrow(/ParseError on bad expression/)  

(typescript, inherit, extend a class, subclass)

class ParseError extends Error {}  

(typescript, instantiate)

new MyClass()  

(typescript, throw error, raise, exception)

throw new ParseError("this is an error")  

(typescript, define constructor, class, constructor)

class Foo {  
  x: number  
  constructor(x: number) {  
    this.x = x  

(typescript, define instance method, class)

class A {  
  b(): string {  
    return "hello world"  

(typescript, string interpolation)

const x = 'world'  
`hello ${world}`  

(typescript, string slice, no subscripting on a range)

const x = 'hello'  
x.slice(<start-index>, <end-index>)  

(typescript, map)

const x = [1,2,3]  
x.map(y => y + 1)  

(typescript, min, max, clamp)

Math.max(<a>, <b>)  
Math.min(<a>, <b>)  

(typescript, join array)


(typescript, repeat string)


(typescript, multiline string)


If indented, the above will contain whitespace before ‘world’. An alternative:

'hello\n' +   